Demtech Ventures

Demtech Ventures


Launch date
Madrid Community of Madrid (HQ)

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More about Demtech Ventures

Demtech Ventures is an international consultancy dedicated to the commercial progress, strategy and investment seeking for IT companies. We work with and help both entrepreneurs and investors, with the objective of transforming innovative ideas into successful enterprises.

The business idea of Demtech Ventures has its origin in the international experience of Demtech Int, which has permitted us to identify the opportunities and necessities in this new era of Entrepreneurship.

Demtech Ventures Services:

1. Entrepeneurs:

• Guidance and specialized mentoring with Incubation and Acceleration

• Business strategy and development

• Search for private and public funding

• More than 13 years of professional experience in international markets.

• Extensive network of contacts at an International level. • Commercial development and Marketing

2. Venture Capitals & Investors

• Presentation of our Portfolio of Startups

• We select the best projects to minimize the risk of your investment

• Representation, promotion and business development of your portfolio of Startups

• Opportunities for Coinvestment and crowd funding

• Network of international members

• Extensive knowledge of the investors ecosystem and entrepreneurship in Israel and Silicon Valley