PME Investimentos

PME Investimentos

Provider of revitalization and expansion of the supply of finance to companies in the non-financial sector. Learn more

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More about PME Investimentos

PME Investimentos is a public financial institution that promotes the implementation of Equity and Debt financing instruments to support Startups and SMEs, namely through the following options: i) Venture Capital – where we support VCs and BAs in Portugal, co-investing with them in Startups and SMEs based in Portugal to foster innovation, growth and internationalization. We support and directly finance 21 VCs' funds and 55 BA´s SPV, with about 363M euros, invested in 376 companies; ii) Debt Financing - to enable the access of SMEs to Bank loans, in partnership with National Mutual Guarantee System and the majority of the Banks operating in Portugal. Till now we support more than 80.000 companies and leverage more than 18 Billion euros of financing. PME Investimentos manages three funds: a) FINOVA – Fund of Funds with Equity and Debt Instruments with more than 1.000 Million Euros of AUM. Till now this FoF financed 21 Venture Capital funds, 55 SPV’s incorporated by Business Angels and leveraged about 18 B of financing with Banks and Mutual Guarantee System; b) FSCR - Co-investment Fund with about 60 M euros of AUM, with the aim of promoting the Venture Capital activity in Portugal, through risk sharing with Venture Capital Specialized Entities. This Fund has several direct investments and also a participation as LP in PVCi Fund (100M of AUM) in partnership with European Investment Fund and other institutional LP´s; c) FACCE – Private Equity Fund to Support Mergers and Acquisitions in Portuguese SME´s, created with 174 M euros of AUM and actually with 20 participations in Portuguese Midcaps.